Android Training | Future Way


Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is based on the Linux kernel and is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android is the most widely used mobile operating system in the world and has a large developer community creating various applications for the platform.

In an Android course, you can expect to learn the following:
  • Introduction to Android and its architecture
  • Understanding the Android Studio development environment
  • Basics of Java programming language
  • User Interface (UI) development in Android
  • Android Layouts and Widgets
  • Android UI Design Guidelines
  • Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, and Content Providers
  • Data Storage and Retrieval in Android
  • Android Networking and Web Services
  • Android Security and Permissions
  • Publishing and Deploying Android Applications.
  • Introduction to Android
  • Introduction of Students
  • Career in Android
  • Working on Project and Assignment
  • Using Lab
  • Software Engineering with SDLC
  • Use Case
  • DFD
  • Flowchart
  • SQL Database
  • Introduction to Android
  • Android System with Architecture
  • Android Architecture
  • Development with Android – Platforms, Tools
  • Versions
  • Setup Android Environment
  • Say Hello to Android Application
  • Building Blocks of Android Application
  • Work with Activity
  • Activity Lifecycle
  • Intents
  • Fragments
  • Fragment Lifecycle
  • Create Android UI
  • Working with Layouts
  • Linear Layout
  • Relative Layout
  • Table Layout
  • Grid Layout
  • Create Custom Layouts
  • Work with UI Components and Events
  • Text View
  • Edit Text
  • Validate Data
  • Button
  • Checkbox
  • Radio and Radio Group
  • Rating Bar
  • Progress Bar
  • Seek Bar
  • Web View
  • Material Design Toolbar, Tab Layout
  • Recycler View and Card View
  • Butter knife
  • Android Annotations
  • Storage in Android
  • Shared Preferences
  • Shared Preferences Layout
  • Android Requesting Permission at run time(Android 6.0)
  • Work with SD Card and Files
  • Database in Android
  • Introduction to SQLite
  • SQLite OpenHelper Class
  • Create, Open and Close Database
  • Database Insert, Update, Delete
  • Read Data with Cursor
  • Realm-No SQL Database
  • Web Services and Parsing
  • XML Parsing
  • DOM Parsing
  • SAX Parsing
  • Pull Parsing
  • JSON Parsing
  • Access web data with JSON
  • Connect to Web Services
  • Using Async Task
  • Third Party Libraries
  • OkHttp
  • Retrofit
  • Glide
  • Picasso – 2
  • MySQL connectivity using JavaOR
  • MySQL connectivity using PHP
  • Web Service Connectivity
  • Google Map, Location Service, and GPS
  • Creating a Google Map
  • Work with Location
  • Location service with Location Manager
  • Find Current Location
  • Geocoding
  • Graphics and Animation
  • Work with 2D Graphics
  • Bitmap
  • Animation
  • Frame Animation
  • Tween Animation
  • View Animation
  • Multimedia in Android
  • Play Audio Files
  • Play Video Files
  • Work in Background
  • Services
  • Notification Services
  • Broadcast Receiver
  • What are broadcast Receivers?
  • Work with a broadcast receiver
  • Firebase
  • FCM(Firebase Cloud Messaging)
  • Social Media Integration
  • Android App links Assistant
  • Work with Android System
  • Wake Lock
  • Text to Speech
  • Camera
  • Taking Picture with Camera
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
  • Manage Bluetooth Connection
  • Monitor and Manage Wi-Fi
  • Sensor
  • Understanding Sensor
  • Access Sensors
  • Development and Deployment
  • Dalvik Debug Tool
  • Logcat
  • Emulator Control
  • Device Control
  • Work with ADB
  • Connect Real Devices
  • Execute Application on Real Device
  • Publish your Application

By the end of our Android training course, You'll also receive a certification that can boost your career prospects.

Course Images
  • 8 Month
  • Skill Level Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes