React Native Training | Future Way


React Native is a popular open-source mobile application framework used for developing cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android devices. It was created by Facebook and is built on top of the React library. React Native allows developers to write mobile applications using JavaScript and React, enabling them to use the same codebase for multiple platforms, saving development time and cost.

In a React Native course, you can expect to learn the following topics:
  • Introduction to React Native and its features
  • Setting up a development environment
  • Building user interfaces with pre-built components
  • Navigating between screens and managing state
  • Handling user input and form validation
  • Working with APIs and integrating data into apps
  • Building and debugging mobile apps
  • Advanced topics such as animations and performance optimization.
  • What is React Native?
  • Creating Our First React Native App
  • Dealing with Limitations of React Native
  • Module Introduction
  • Creating a New Project
  • JSX Elements you Can and Can’t Use
  • Switching Away from create-react-native-app
  • How to Use the Attached Code
  • Running the App on an Android Simulator (+ Setup)
  • Running our App on a Real Android Devic
  • Preparing XCode (for iOS)
  • Running our App on an iOS Simulator
  • Running our App on an iOS Device
  • A Good Development Setup
  • Working on the App: Adding a Textinput
  • Styling – Understanding the Basics
  • Positioning Elements with Flexbox
  • Adding a Button and Managing State
  • Creating a Custom Component
  • Listening to Touch Events
  • Reacting to Press Events
  • Using a ScrollView
  • Rendering Lists Correctly
  • Adding Static Images
  • Using Network Images
  • Adding a Modal
  • React vs React Native
  • JavaScript – Supported Features
  • Module Introduction
  • A Brief Redux Refresher
  • Installing Redux and Creating a Basic Setup
  • Setting Up Actions
  • Setting Up the Reducer
  • Creating the Store
  • Connecting React Native to Redux
  • Module Introduction
  • Using the Remote JavaScript Debugging console.log
  • Debugging with Breakpoints
  • Debugging+++ with React Native Debugger
  • Debugging Redux
  • Template Filters and Custom Filters
  • Template Filters Coding Examples
  • Module Introduction
  • Installing Libraries
  • Automatic Linking
  • Linking Libraries on iOS
  • Linking Libraries on Android
  • Using Library Features: Adding Icons
  • Module Introduction
  • Navigation in Web Apps vs Native Apps
  • Exploring Native Navigation Solutions
  • Adding React Native Navigation to iOS
  • Adding React Native Navigation to Android
  • Finishing the Library Setup
  • Registering and Rendering a Screen
  • Adding a Tabs Screen (Tabs Navigation)
  • Adding Icons to Tabs
  • Connecting Screens to Redux
  • Updating Redux
  • Pushing Pages (Navigating “Forwards”)
  • Popping Pages (Navigating “Backwards”)
  • More Navigator Methods
  • Adding a Side Drawer
  • Finishing the Drawer
  • Module Introduction
  • Using StyleSheet vs Normal JS Objects
  • Vanilla CS vs React Native Styles
  • Flexbox in Action
  • Styling with Relative Units
  • “Global Styles” with Custom Components
  • Synthetic Cascading of Styles
  • Styling Text
  • Cascading Text Styles
  • Adding a Background Image
  • Creating a Re-Usable Custom Button
  • Editing the “Share Place” Screen
  • Popping Pages (Navigating “Backwards”)
  • Styling & Splitting the “Share Place” Screen
  • Finishing the “Share Place” Screen
  • Styling the Side Drawer
  • Quick Bug Fix: PlaceInput Component
  • Intro: Cross Platform Styles & Responsiveness
  • Intro:Cross-Platform Styling Made Easy
  • Using the Platform AP
  • Loading Different Icons for Different Platforms
  • Using Different Entry Points (into the App)
  • Cross-Platform UI Libraries
  • The “Responsive Styling” Problem
  • Responsive Design Solutions
  • Using the Dimensions API
  • Adjusting Styles Dynamically (to changing Width / Height)
  • A Better Responsive Solution
  • Bug Fix: Centering with Margins
  • Cleaning Up Dimensions Listeners
  • Styling Navigation Items (react-native-navigation)
  • Preparing the App for Animations
  • Using the Animated API
  • Animations Summary
  • Module Introduction
  • Managing Input/ Control State
  • Adding Custom Validation Logic
  • Using the Validation State
  • Dispatching an Auth Action
  • Switching Form (Auth) Modes
  • Configuring Text Input Components
  • Handling the Soft Keyboard
  • Module Introduction
  • A Note on Installing React-Native Maps
  • Installing react-native-maps
  • Rendering a Map
  • Picking a Location on the Map
  • Adding a Map Marker
  • Animating Map Movement
  • Locating the User
  • Storing the Picked Location with Redux
  • Installing react-native-image-picker
  • Fixing Issues with React Native Image Picker
  • Using the Image Picker
  • Storing the Picked Images
  • Image Picker and the Data it Returns
  • Module Introduction
  • Sending Http Requests – Theory
  • Firebase & The Right Database
  • Creating the Serve
  • Using the Fetch-API
  • Storing Data in Firebase
  • Adjusting Firebase Functions (Fixing an Error)
  • Storing Images
  • Fixing Firebase Function Linting Errors
  • Finishing the Image Upload Function
  • Storing the Remaining Data
  • Adding the Activity Indicator
  • Handling Errors
  • Http, fetch() and Error Handling
  • Getting Data from the Server
  • Fixing Error
  • Module Introduction
  • How Authentication Works in React Native Apps
  • Enabling Firebase Authentication
  • Signing Users Up
  • Using the Authentication Result (Response)
  • Supporting Signup and Login
  • Adding User Login
  • Protecting Routes on Firebase
  • Storing the Auth Token in Redux
  • Using the Auth Token
  • Fetching the Token in a Re-Usable Way
  • Adding Places (Authenticated)
  • Storing the Token in AsyncStorage
  • Adding an Auto-Signin Functionality
  • Managing the Token Expiration
  • Clearing the Auth Storage (AsyncStorage)
  • Refreshing the Token
  • Adding User Logout
  • Refreshing the Token Without App Reloads
  • Module Introduction
  • Adding Launcher Icons
  • Adding a Splash Screen
  • Configuring & Building the App
  • Publishing to Google Play Store (Android)
  • Publishing to the App Store (iOS)
  • Publishing the App – Detailed Instructions

By the end of our Flutter training course, You'll also receive a certification that can boost your career prospects.

React Native
  • 8 Month
  • Skill Level Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes