Angular Training | Future Way


Angular is a popular open-source web application framework maintained by Google. It is used to build dynamic and responsive web applications. Angular provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to create single-page applications (SPAs) with ease. It uses HTML as the template language and extends its syntax to create reusable components.

Angular also provides support for data binding, dependency injection, routing, and testing. It uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, as its programming language, which adds features like static typing, classes, and interfaces.

  • The basics of Angular and its architecture
  • Building blocks of Angular such as components, directives, services, and pipes
  • TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript used in Angular development
  • Creating forms and performing form validation
  • Handling events and data binding
  • Routing and navigation in Angular applications
  • Developing HTTP-based services using Angular
  • Unit testing, debugging, and deploying Angular applications
  • Introduction to angular repository and features.
  • How to set up angular on webpage.
  • Introduction to Angular
  • How Angular is opinionated
  • Building Blocks
  • Modules
  • Interfaces
  • Class
  • Functions
  • Class
  • Private and Public Scope
  • Defining Members
  • Default and Optional Parameters
  • Constructors
  • Implementing Interfaces
  • Basics of Modules
  • Component
  • Template
  • Metadata
  • Data Binding
  • Service
  • Directive
  • Assembling applications using Modules
  • Create and run node server on ports
  • Interpolation
  • Expressions and Statements
  • Bindings
  • Value Binding
  • Property Binding
  • Event Binding
  • Two way Binding
  • Components
  • Attribute Directives
  • Using the Template Tag
  • Using the “*” in directive .
  • Creating directives
  • Compilation and Linking
  • Creating Components
  • Extending Directives
  • Role of pipes in Angular applications
  • Using built in pipes
  • Chaining Pipes
  • Configuring the Injector
  • Importing & Exporting Components
  • Importing & Exporting Services
  • Registering Providers
  • IBuilding forms using components and Templates
  • Template-driven form
  • Reactive form
  • Two way binding
  • Validation
  • Including the Router
  • Configuring the routes
  • Router Outlets and Links
  • Nested Routes
  • Accessing Route Params
  • Post data to server using angular and handle response
  • Show all response result in angular table
  • Live Project

By the end of our Angular training course, you'll have the skills to design and build websites from scratch. You'll also receive a certification that can boost your career prospects.

Course Images
  • 2 Month
  • Skill Level Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes