Flutter Training | Future Way


Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It allows developers to build high-quality native interfaces for iOS and Android using a single codebase. With Flutter, developers can use the Dart programming language to write mobile apps with rich, reactive user interfaces and fast development cycles.

In a Flutter training course, you can expect to learn how to set up your development environment, build user interfaces with widgets, manage state, work with animations and graphics, and use third-party packages to extend your app's functionality. You'll also learn how to use Flutter to build and deploy apps to both iOS and Android devices.

  • Flutter framework architecture and widgets
  • Dart programming language fundamentals
  • Building UI components such as buttons, text fields, and image views
  • Navigation between screens and passing data between them
  • Building custom UI components and layouts
  • Using themes and styles to customize the app's appearance
  • Fetching data from APIs and displaying it in the app
  • Working with local storage and caching
  • Implementing animations and transitions
  • Testing and debugging the app
  • Publishing the app to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
  • What is Flutter
  • Understanding the Flutter Architectur
  • Flutter macOS Setup
  • macOS Development Environment
  • Flutter Windows Setup
  • Windows Development Environment
  • Flutter is Under Active Development
  • Dart SDK
  • Flutter Installation – Android Studio Configuration – Flutter doctor
  • Dart Introduction
  • Data types in Dart
  • String interpolations
  • Operators
  • Working on Control Statements
  • conditional statements : if statement , if..else statement , nested if ,switch statement
  • looping statements : for loop , while loop , for .. in loop
  • Jumping statements
  • Working with collection
  • Working with list , set , map and methods
  • working with function
  • Advance Dart Programing
  • Class, Object, Inheritance, Polymorphism
  • Keywords : this , super , static , async
  • Text, elevated button
  • Project creation in Flutter – run project in read device and emulator – hot reloading app
  • Flutter Architecture
  • Working with Row and Column Widgets
  • Flutter widgets, Flutter layout
  • State ful Widgets
  • Stateless Widgets
  • Material App
  • Scaffold , contain
  • Properties of container widgets
  • Stateless widgets – row and column widgets
  • Working with text and button ontap and onpress event
  • icons ,alert dialogs ,radio button , checkbox , switch ,TextFormField – working with all style
  • properties
  • Working with forms
  • Design registration form
  • Design Login Form
  • Working with Form key
  • Customize widgets
  • Form validation , apply email validation – password hide and unhide
  • Change dynamic background color on button click
  • working with setState, init
  • images , network images – working with assets
  • Floating Action button with types
  • Working with pageviewbuilder and dots controller
  • working with init method
  • working with them
  • Working Routing
  • Named Routes
  • Arguments in routes
  • Return data from screen
  • Send data to screen
  • Navigation , navigator , push and pop – navigation between different screens
  • Listview and list item
  • Working with grid view
  • working with bottom navigation bar
  • working with tab bar with icons
  • working with navigation drawer with navigation screens
  • Splash screen
  • working with listview – dividers
  • Flutter gestures
  • Database Introduction
  • working with Sqflite Database
  • Dependencies
  • working with model class
  • CRUD operations using sqflite database
  • working with async , await , future
  • Gallery Access , Camera access in Flutter
  • Fetch data from internet
  • Working on json parsing
  • Animation
  • retrieve data and display in listview format
  • working with listview indexing
  • working with gridview
  • working with firebase database
  • firebase authentication
  • firebase real time database
  • notification with firebase
  • working with background services
  • Google map integration and social media integration with flutter application
  • Project implementation – Splash Screen • Login – registration Screen • Database
  • integration or api integration • working with listview – navigation • navigation drawer with user header layout and list tile items
  • Making phone calls , sms and url launcher
  • Flutter state management
  • Bloc concept
  • Generating Application , build application
  • Build a release for android device and deployment on playstore

By the end of our Flutter training course, You'll also receive a certification that can boost your career prospects.

  • 8 Month
  • Skill Level Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes