C++ Programing Language Training | Future Way


C++ is a general-purpose programming language that was created as an extension of the C language. It supports object-oriented programming (OOP) and is commonly used for developing operating systems, system software, embedded systems, game development, and high-performance applications.

  • Basic programming concepts such as data types, variables, operators, and control structures
  • Object-oriented programming concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism
  • Memory management concepts such as pointers, dynamic memory allocation, and references
  • Standard Template Library (STL) containers and algorithms
  • Input/output (I/O) operations, file handling, and stream classes
  • Exception handling and error reporting
  • Threading and concurrency concepts
  • What is C++?
  • Fundamentals of a C++ Program?
  • Installing the C++ Compiler
  • Overview of the Structure of a C++ Program
  • include Preprocessor Directive
  • Comments
  • The main() function
  • Namespaces
  • Basic Input and Output (I/O) using cin and cout
  • Writing our first program
  • What are Compiler Errors?
  • What are Compiler Warnings?
  • What are Linker Errors?
  • What are Runtime Errors?
  • What are Logic Errors?
  • if Statement
  • if else Statement
  • Nested if Statements
  • switch-case Statement
  • Conditional Operator
  • Looping
  • Nested Loops
  • Character Functions
  • C-Style Strings
  • Working with C-style Strings
  • C++ Strings
  • What is a Function
  • Function Definition
  • Function Prototypes
  • Function Parameters and the return Statement
  • Default Argument Values
  • Overloading Functions
  • Passing Arrays to Functions
  • Pass by Reference
  • Scope Rules
  • How do Function Calls Work
  • inline Functions
  • Recursive Functions
  • What is Object-Oriented Programming?
  • What are Classes and Objects
  • Declaring a Class and Creating Objects
  • Accessing Class Members
  • public and private
  • Implementing Member Methods
  • Constructors and Destructors
  • The Default Constructor
  • Overloading Constructors
  • Constructor Initialization lists
  • Delegating Constructors
  • Constructor Parameters and Default Values
  • Copy Constructor
  • Shallow Copying with the Copy Constructor
  • Deep Copying with the Copy Constructor
  • Move Constructors
  • The ‘this’ Pointer
  • Using const with Classes
  • Static Class Members
  • Structs vs Classes
  • Operator Overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • SWhat is a Smart Pointer? Ownership and RAII.
  • Unique Pointers.
  • Shared Pointers.
  • Weak Pointers.
  • Custom Deleters.
  • Basic Concepts and a Simple Example: Dividing by Zero
  • Throwing an Exception from a Function
  • Handling Multiple Exceptions
  • Stack Unwinding and How it Works
  • Creating User-Defined Exception Classes
  • Class Level Exceptions
  • The C++ std::exception Class Hierarchy
  • What is the STL?.
  • Stream Manipulators.
  • Reading from a Text File.
  • Generic Programming with Macros.
  • Generic Programming with Function Templates.
  • Generic Programming with Class Templates.
  • Creating a Generic Array Template Class.
  • Introduction to STL Containers.
  • Introduction to STL Iterators.
  • Introduction to STL Algorithms.
  • Sequence Container(Array,Vector,Deque).
  • Associative Containers.
  • Container Adaptors.

At the end of the C++ training course, you will get a C Certification from us which will be very helpful for you in your future.

c plus course
  • 2 Month
  • Skill Level Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes